
Cleanroom construction is one of the outstanding strengths of GMP Groups in the overall suite of cleanroom solutions that we provide. We provide a full range of construction items, bringing the highest benefit to customers.


Cleanroom construction services at GMP Groups

Cleanrooms are complex environments that require a contractor with a lot of experience and highly specialized knowledge to design and build. With many years of experience in the field of clean room design – cleanroom construction, GMP Groups is confident of having enough capacity to assume the role of contractor for the construction of cleanrooms overall and comprehensively. 

GMP Groups’ cleanroom construction portfolio includes: 

– Panel system (walls, walls, ceiling, door, glass umbrella) 

– HVAC system (AHU, FCU, wind pipe, filter, wind box) 

– Electrical system (Electric, power control, electric lighting)

– Auxiliary system (pneumatic, RO water, SH water, steam…) 

With the service of cleaning room with prestige and quality standards, we bring the best benefits to customers: 

– Accurate construction, saving supplies for investors 

– Safe construction, ensuring progress, quality and environmental hygiene. 

– Respond and coordinate with the investor to adjust the unreasonable points of the design to make the project more efficient. 

– Proactively update the progress and report to the investor. 

– Completed, accurate and clear records. 

– Complete appraisal technical dossier for GMP appraisal. 

– Advising and guiding the electromechanical department to make appraisal documents. 

– Training, operating guidance and system transfer. 

– Careful care and maintenance. 


Quy trình thi công phòng sạch tại GMP Groups

GMP Groups prides itself on our creativity and flexibility with the clean rooms we offer. We follow a standard construction process consisting of 4 steps:

Các giai đoạn thi công phòng sạch của GMP Groups

GMP Groups cleanroom construction phases

Step 1: Receiving and surveying the premises 

Step 2: Implementation of systems: Panel system, HVAC, electrical system, auxiliary

GMP Groups ensures accurate, safe construction, ensures progress, quality and environmental hygiene, while saving supplies for investors. We always proactively update the progress and report to the investor. Completed dossiers are complete, accurate and clear; Complete technical dossiers for GMP appraisal.

Step 3: Training, acceptance and handover

At this stage, we advise and guide the department to make appraisal documents. Training, operating instructions and system transfer.

Step 4: Maintenance, maintenance

We closely carry out the inspection of the work after the construction phase, warranty and maintenance of the works by responsibility, supporting advice and guidance even after the warranty period expires.

Here’s an overview of our cleanroom construction service. For more service details, please see more at: Cleanroom construction services at GMP Groups

With the “Turnkey Solution”, GMP Groups has been selected by investors to accompany cleanroom projects. You can check out our actual projects at: GMP Groups CleanRoom Project

Customers wishing to DESIGN AND CONSTRUCT CLEANROOMs please contact us at:

GMP Groups Joint Stock Company

Head office: Lot LK20.8, Ecoriver Eco-Investor, Hai Tan Ward, Hai Duong City, Hai Duong Province

Hotline: 0945255457

Website: gmpgroups.com.vn

Email: info@gmpgroups.com.vn